Gratitude is So Powerful!

Many feel that thanksgiving is their favorite holiday because it reminds them to be grateful. It feels good to be grateful. Being grateful is the cornerstone of living a satisfied life. Instead of thinking why? Think thank you and you will feel better.

Gratitude was a large subtheme of the element of Positivity in the project. Incorporating a small amount of gratitude in your life will lead to more thoughts of gratitude. Some start with a gratitude journal. Others try a gratitude jar or reading inspirational quotes of gratitude daily. A simple internet search of ‘gratitude’ will reveal ways that speak to you to be grateful. If you write in a gratitude journal at night, you will notice that you sleep better. If you wake up at night and want to go back to sleep, it is gratitude that will stop your “monkey brain” and your inopportune to-do list. Writing down grateful thoughts in the morning can change the mood of the day. Being grateful not only feels good but it is very powerful.